Jan 12, 2014

What's been up?

I got married recently. After dating my wife for close to nine years. This took time and it was an incredibly emotional experience. While marriage is a sacred mad special time for everyone, for me it was an even different experience because all the ceremonies took place according to my wife's culture.

And it was beautiful. Not saying this because it's my wife and it was my wedding but it was incredibly different from the North Indian weddings where there is a lot of noise, everything is delayed and
massive amounts of food is wasted. Nothing like that. I got wed on time, in peace and no food was wasted.

It's been close to two months of marriage now and I think I like this quality of life more than my single, living like a hobo mode.

I'm going to miss many things from my previous life but I think that it's a worthy bargain.

That is on life side.

Professionally, I've quit my job of six years to be with wife and I'll have to start looking for a new job. Contrary to popular opinion I didn't have a job in hand when I quit because after working at a place for six years, doing the same work again n again, I think I deserve a month of free time. Or maybe I don't. I guess I'll realize the folly or benefits of this decision as time goes by.

So, from the lazy life of Chandigarh, i'll be living in the fast paced, brutal and angry city of delhi.

I'll report how it goes in delhi, even though I have no love for the city, going there only cuz the wife is there and heck, I needed a change from my job.

Health wise, I'm going to be taking more care of my body and mind. No more vehicle, walking or metro from now on.

That's about it. For now.

I'm posting pics on www.pallav.tumblr.com. You can check them out.

Writing from my phone, so excuse the typos. Hit me on twitter @69fubar to talk about this post.

Have fun.

Sent from my iPhone